We have tracked over 285 funding programs and $473,308,931 allocated for Climate Change Organizations.

Recent Funding Opportunity
Climate Change Research (apply for FWS R5 SA 10 058)

Funding Number: FWS R5 SA 10 058
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $420,000
Developing Public Health Capacity and Adaptations to Reduce Human Health Effects of Climate Change (apply for CDC RFA EH10 1006)

Funding Number: CDC RFA EH10 1006
Agency: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Funding Amount: $120,000
Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (apply for F13AS00311)

Funding Number: F13AS00311
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $5,773
BLM CA CESU Population and Habitat Science Applications for Climate Change Adaptation (apply for L14AS00101)

Funding Number: L14AS00101
Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $500,000

Agency: Department of Transportation, 69A355 Research and Technology
Funding Amount: $2,500,000
Climate Change Performance Indicators (apply for L10AS00105)

Funding Number: L10AS00105
Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $47,000
USAID Acting on Climate Change Together (apply for 72061124RFA00004)

Funding Number: 72061124RFA00004
Agency: Zambia USAID-Lusaka
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
National Park Service Support Implementation of Five Needle Pine Climate Change Response Project (apply for NPS NOIR2120110011)

Funding Number: NPS NOIR2120110011
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Climate Change Adaptive Science Capacity Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative Fiscal Year 2010 (apply for FWSR2 GPLCC FY2010)

Funding Number: FWSR2 GPLCC FY2010
Agency: Migratory Birds
Funding Amount: Case Dependent

Funding Number: EPA G2014 STAR A1
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
Seabirds, forage fish and marine climate change in Alaska (apply for USGS 16 FA 0370)

Funding Number: USGS 16 FA 0370
Agency: Department of the Interior, Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $25,000
Science for Sustainable and Healthy Tribes Climate Change Impacts (apply for EPA G2013 STAR X1)

Funding Number: EPA G2013 STAR X1
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Funding Amount: $920,000
Climate change impacts on subsistence access to coastal resources in Arctic National Parks: Implications for NPS management (apply for P17AS00167)

Funding Number: P17AS00167
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $75,000
Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative (apply for FWSR1 PICCC FY2011)

Funding Number: FWSR1 PICCC FY2011
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $200,000
Request for Information USAID/Indonesia Climate Change Adaptation Project (apply for RFI 497 14 ISIAP)

Funding Number: RFI 497 14 ISIAP
Agency: Agency for International Development
Funding Amount: $20,000,000
Assessing Vulnerability to Climate Change: Modeling Thermal and Moisture Regimes in Great Smoky Mountains National Park (apply for P19AS00055)

Funding Number: P19AS00055
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $295,000
Notice of Intent: Develop a Climate Change & Cultural Resources Regional Risk Map (apply for P16AS00484)

Funding Number: P16AS00484
Agency: Department of the Interior, National Park Service
Funding Amount: $48,909
Notice of Intent - Developing a National Perspective for DOI Climate Change Refugia Conservation (apply for USGS 20 FA 0066)

Funding Number: USGS 20 FA 0066
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $278,033
Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative (apply for FWSR1 PICCC FY2010)

Funding Number: FWSR1 PICCC FY2010
Agency: Fish and Wildlife Service
Funding Amount: $250,000
Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Floods in the Western United States (apply for 09SF811503)

Funding Number: 09SF811503
Agency: Bureau of Reclamation, Denver Office
Funding Amount: $225,000
NOTICE OF INTENT Interpreting Climate Change (apply for NPS NOI WASOR272220500)

Funding Number: NPS NOI WASOR272220500
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: $45,000
Early Career Projects Science for Sustainable and Healthy Tribes Climate Change Impacts (apply for EPA G2013 STAR X2)

Funding Number: EPA G2013 STAR X2
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
Funding Amount: $700,000
CESU Predicting the Effects of Climate Change Based on Past Occurences of Climatic Warming, Alaska (apply for L12AS00206)

Funding Number: L12AS00206
Agency: Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: $173,000
NPS Cultural Resources Climate Change Strategy Development (apply for P14AS00389)

Funding Number: P14AS00389
Agency: National Park Service
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
FY2022 U.S. Embassy Tokyo: U.S. Study Tour and Exchange on Subnational Climate Change Action (apply for SAPPORO PAS FY22 01 01)

Funding Number: SAPPORO PAS FY22 01 01
Agency: Department of State, U.S. Mission to Japan
Funding Amount: $100,000


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