Opportunity Information: Apply for NNH15ZDA001N SSO

  • The NASA Headquarters in the science and technology and other research and development sector is offering a public funding opportunity titled "ROSES 2015 Solar System Observations" and is now available to receive applicants.
  • Interested and eligible applicants and submit their applications by referencing the CFDA number(s): 43.001 Science.
  • This funding opportunity was created on Apr 28, 2015 and posted on Mar 2, 2015.
  • Applicants must submit their applications by Jun 12, 2015. (Agency may still review applications by suitable applicants for the remaining/unused allocated funding in 2024.)
  • Eligible applicants include: Others (see text field entitled Additional Information on Eligibility for clarification).
  • Proposers must be affiliated with an institution at nspires.nasaprs.com/ and, in general, NASA provides funding only to US institutions. Organizations outside the U.S. that propose on the basis of a policy of no exchange of funds consult Appendix B Section (l) of the guidebook for proposers (http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/nraguidebook/) for specific details. Some NRAs may be issued jointly with a non U.S. organization, e.g., those concerning guest observing programs for jointly sponsored space science programs, that will contain additional special guidelines for non U.S. participants. Also ref. Sections 2.3.10(c)(vii) of the guidebook for proposers for special instructions for proposals from non U.S. organizations that involve U.S. personnel for whom NASA support is requested.
Apply for NNH15ZDA001N SSO

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Next opportunity: ROSES 2015 Science Utilization of the Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission

Previous opportunity: ROSES 2015 Physical Oceanography

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